Our Story


Milly York start up by taking over the Italian branch of an important French multinational company established in the outdoor and indoor furniture sector for the Hotellerie and Contract sector.



Subsequently, the institutional furniture division was redesigned by taking over the commercial service of another well-known multinational leader in the sector in terms of turnover and profitability.


In this way, an extremely dynamic but flexible company takes shape and develops, capable of producing, importing, assembling and distributing chairs and furnishing accessories.


The advanced in and out sourcing technology adopted by Milly York has led to excellent results in terms of compliance with the specifications required by the clients, times and results.



In 2019, the company launched the medical division, which after years of studies, research, design and prototyping, began producing products for the chiropractic and osteopathic sector.



Milly York’s strengths are research, investment in moulds, the selection of efficient and reliable partners for technologies and quality processes involving international bodies.


And, of course, a strict and continuous quality control.

Last but not least, the accurate service dedicated to each customer.


The headquarters, the commercial offices, the showroom and the storage and assembly part are located near the Milan-Turin motorway.